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{{ warningBannerMessage }}
{{ bannerTitle }}
{{ bannerURLText }}
{{ standardGroupValue }} Select region >> {{ standardNameValue }} Select sub-region >> {{ standardSubjectValue }} Select a subject >> {{ standardGradeValue }} Select a grade

{{ searchStateString }}

{{ value }}

NUITEQ Chorus Distance Learning solution for education

{{ object.title }}
{{ object.text }}
{{ object.urlText }}
{{ object.title }}
{{ object.text }}
{{ object.urlText }}
YouTube Linked Lesson
{{ lesson.num_likes }}
{{ lesson.num_downloads }}

{{ translationssubjecttypes[lesson.subject] }}

{{ lesson.user }}

edit Lesson
{{ lesson.title }}
{{ lesson.text }}
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Search results: {{ previousSearchTerm }}

Your search gave a total of {{ lessonCount }} results.

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{{ categoryList[0] }}

{{ standardObject.standard.code }}
{{ standardObject.standard.description }}
Symphony thumbnail YouTube Linked Lesson

{{ translationsSubjectTypes[lesson.subject] }}

{{ lesson.user }}